The Great Chase, Part #29: Begin Production!

These are uncut sheets of all cards and paper parts from The Great Chase. They are part of a high quality print test from the Chinese Manufacturer

❖ Version History ❖

27th of October, 2021
Where last we left off on the journey of The Great Chase we had finished up the crowdfunding campaign, we had finalized our files to be sent out to manufacture, and then we had a few finesse details that needed to be hammered out with our transfer of data over to China. From that point, there was very little we could do to further impact things on our end until our production prototype arrived from the manufacturer…

and so we waited.

it was only supposed to be a 2-3 week waiting time…

but as you may have noticed…

its been nearly 7 weeks since our last update on The Great Chase.


At long last…

Finally news arrived from abroad!

On this wednesday, I met up with Matt in Rockport as we unpacked our beautiful production prototype that promptly arrived this morning via Fedex from Regent in China. It was shipped in two parts, and what you see above is part one of two (we will discuss the second part in our next post. Without further anticipation though, lets unpack what we found in this first shipment!

First up: we have uncut sheets of every single card in the whole of the kit as they will appear in the machine as they are being produced. The organization of the cards on the sheets are a little strange, but they are set up this way because as they are cut from the machine they are sorted in such a way that they come out in alphabetical / numerical order. This sheet information also showcases a few subtle but important details:

1. We can see the raw bleed images and where they will be trimmed with cut lines

2. We can see the final coloration of finished cards and the print test colors

3. Finally we can hold, feel, and get a real time feel for the lamination & card quality.

Also in this package was a complete paper printed prototype that is coupled with a blank production to show how all of the parts would fit into the box when fully packaged. The paper prototype is very interesting, as, it is marked up with all the trim lines, production notes in Chinese, and cards / books that are taped front to back to make certain that every card lines up with the correct information on the reverse side of the card. The blank box is interesting because it shows how high the quality of the box is (despite not having art on it yet) and it also shows what the dice / game pieces would look like in the final production!

All in all, though we have not yet received the second package of the production prototype, we are already very happy with what the final look and feel of the game will be like when finished!