An age-old ferric fable:

Fado, Fado,
as the legends always go, there was a time of peace among the fae. 

Four ancient faeries and their courts took turns governing over the earth, until these short eras became known as the seasons:

Winter, Spring, Summer, & Autumn

For a time this was the way of things… until a new “Ferric” faerie unsettled the balance!

Unless someone brings harmony back to the seasons, this war will never end.

So begins the game to restore the  Fae calendar: Calendra!

Design Journal - Calendra


Design Journal - Calendra

14 and up!

Design Journal - Calendra


Design Journal - Calendra

1 Winner
takes all!

Design Journal - Calendra

game TIME:
30-90 minutes

Learn To PLay:

Tour of the Rules!

helpful resources:

Hate reading?
Try the video rules & card guide:

Don’t have four players?
Try out one of our game variations!

Still stuck on a rule? Check here!

Peer Reviews!

Get some Insight!

Want to see what is hiding underneath the lid of the box? 

Calendra has over a dozen peer reviews from: artists, gamers, and unboxers!

These reviews span across different ages, genders, and countries! See what they think!

Follow the Journey!

If you are curious about our game development process, be sure to read through the Librarium Games Design Journal!

This step-by-step narrative showcases the story of Calendra from:

the ideas, the notebook doodles, the original index card prototypes, the digital design process, through to production and publication!

Here are some quick links:

❖ Part 1: Project Attunement

❖ Part 2: The  Paper Prototype

❖ Part 3: Runic Symbols

❖ Part 4: The Global Pandemic

❖ Part 5: Graphic Design Begins ❖

❖ Part 6: Font Design

❖ Part 7: Card Layout & The Ferric Suit

❖ Part 8: The Ferric Fable

❖ Part 9: The Irish Cable ❖

❖ Part 10: Card Backs & Celtic Beasts ❖

❖ Part 11: The Rule Cards ❖

❖ Part 12: The Printed Prototype ❖

❖ Part 13: Rule Book Prototype ❖

❖ Part 14: Printed Iteration Two ❖

❖ Part 15: The Will o’ the Wisps

❖ Part 16: Textured Colors ❖

❖ Part 17: Textured Backgrounds

❖ Part 18: Frame & Font Alterations

❖ Part 19: Rule Card Redesign

❖ Part 20: More Rainbows Needed

❖ Part 21: Stat Reconfiguration

❖ Part 22: Box Manicure

❖ Part 23: Box Pedicure

❖ Part 24: Rule Book, Take Two!

❖ Part 25: Rule Book, Take Three!

❖ Part 26: Manufacturing Madness

❖ Part 27: Box Skeleton

❖ Part 28: Muychandizin’ ❖

❖ Part 29: Wet Proofs vs. Ozalids

❖ Part 30: Gloss vs. Matte Lamination

❖ Part 31: Pin Production

❖ Part 32: Garnishing the Pin Package

❖ Part 33: Mass Packaging

❖ Part 34: Rule Book Videography

❖ Part 35: Adding Annotations

❖ Part 36: Orchestrating Reviews

❖ Part 37: Idea of an Old Friend

❖ Part 38: Session Reports

❖ Part 39: Seasonal Play Mats

❖ Part 40: Kickstarter Story

❖ Part 41: Winter Events! ❖

An image showing the schematics of how my new game will look on a table. It features a large squre comrised of smaller squares, organized into two rows of five on four sides of the total area (for a grand total of 40 boxes). There is also one box in the outer corners and interior corners within the center shape.
Design Journal - Calendra