:: Using This Guide ::

Here you will find images of each page found in the Phoenix Farm Rule Book.

Each Pair of Images comes with a short video to help new players learn the rules & Mechanics of the game!

If you are confused, please also check our FAQ  Page, or contact us directly!

~Phoenix Farm~
Game Setup & Turn Rules

:: Parts of a Turn ::

Each Turn has two phases:
Morning & Evening
You only get one action per phase!

In this video we set up the game and look at the turn options!

~Phoenix Farm~
Shopping & Farming

:: Time Management ::

You must constantly toggle between shopping and farming in this game…

In this video we cover how the farming mechanic works, and what options are available in the shop each turn!

~Phoenix Farm~
Wonders of the Fireflies

:: Forage Mechanic ::

Use jars at night to hunt for bonuses!

:: Turn Enhancers ::

For skipping part of a turn to forage, Firefly jars offer up all sorts of bonuses that can be used on your turn!

In this video, we explore what gifts you might find, and how they work!

~Phoenix Farm~
Aviary Care & Rewards

:: Farming Results ::

As phoenixes progress through each phase in their life, there are special little gifts found along the way!

In this video, we cover the phoenix lifecycle and farming rewards!

~Phoenix Farm~
Scoring and Attacking

:: Ending the Game ::

Phoenix Farm ends when all the gold in the game has been purchased. 

In this video, we cover how the game ends, how it is scored, and how to hinder other players along the way!