Phoenix Farm
:: Reviews ::

Phil’s thoughts🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔

We had to opportunity to try out Phoenix Farm from @librarium_games games. Phoenix Farm is a great dice rolling race to gain the most gold coins by raising Adorable Phoenix chick to mature adult.

The game is broken down into two phases morning and night. In the morning you can farm or go to the market. If you farm you will be rolling dice to see if you can upgrade your phoenix. If you shop at the market you can purchase tools used to upgrade your phoenix. At night you can farm and forage.

Overall Phoenix Farms is a quick dice rolling race to score the most points. It’s easy to learn and jump right into. Works well at all player counts.

Hayley’s thoughts 🎨🎨🎨🎨🎨🎨
Phoenix Farm is big on charm when it comes to design. The illustrations are clean, cute, and lend themselves well to quickly understanding the mechanics of raising a fiery feathered friend. There is a sense of accomplishment each time you turn over a farm tool to see your phoenix chick grow to adulthood. Spending feathers, upgrading equipment and leveling up is fun to track as well using the player mats.

Nurture a flock of phoenixes from ash to adult. 🔥

Phoenix Farm is a small box game from Librarium Games that is on Kickstarter this April! In Phoenix Farm, you are a farmer tasked with raising phoenixes from ash to fully grown adult. Each player’s turn is divided into two phases, Morning and Evening. You take one action in each phase. In the Morning, you can farm or go shopping. In the Evening you can farm or go foraging.

Farming: use tools to roll the dice. A successful roll means that you use the tool to take your phoenix to its next milestone. For example, you can use the Broom and, on a roll of 4 or higher, sweep up the Phoenix ashes to find an egg. A roll of 4+ when using the Nest allows you to grow a fledgeling to adulthood.

Shopping: buy tools from the market using feathers. You can also buy Firefly Jars, Farm Upgrades, or Gold.

Foraging: If you have a Firefly Jar in a tool slot, during the evening phase you can flip it to powerful effects such as dice modifiers and free tools.

Every time you Cradle an Elder Phoenix to turn it back to ash, you earn a golden cube. These cubes are incredibly valuable as they are worth points and give players a 1 feather discount on the cost of gold coins.

The game ends when the last gold coin is purchased. Scores are calculated by adding up the number of gold coins and gold cubes held by each player.

Phoenix Farm is definitely a race to buy gold coins and will appeal to those who love trying to beat their opponents to the finish line! Since using the tools to nurture your phoenixes relies on dice roll, Phoenix Farm may not appeal to those who don’t like a lot of luck in their games! We really loved the weighty gold coins and the organizer made it easy to get the game to the table quickly. The fantasy theme comes through in the card artwork and the story behind the game.

You can find Phoenix Farm on Kickstarter from April 1st-22nd!! Thank you to @librarium_games for sending us a copy of the game for review!

Phoenix Farm is a brand new game from my friend Alex over at Librarium Games


In this game, players will be managing a phoenix farm to try and nurture and raise these magnificent beasts! There is a distinct lifecycle for the phoenix that requires different items along the way. For example, you need a kiln to hatch an egg, you’ll need grain to grow a chick to a fledgling, a nest to grow a fledgling to an adult, and so on. You’ll score points by helping your creatures go from ash to elder and back to ash again, by collecting gold coins, and by collecting phoenix feathers.

There is also a dragon mechanic which introduces a take-that aspect to the game. But it comes with a risk! Roll low on the d6 and the dragon might attack you instead of an opponent, destroying some of your farm.

All in all, Phoenix Farmer is a cozy little game of collecting feathers and gold, buying tools, and helping your beautiful baby chicks grow into magnificent creatures! There are only so many gold coins, so it’s a bit of a race to get your farm up and going as soon as possible, but it never feels hectic or stressful. Make sure you check out their Kickstarter this April and peek at their feed for some of their other games!

Phoenix Farm 🔥

Short Description:
Compete in a race to nurture a flock of phoenixes from ashes…back to ashes again!

About the Game:
Today we are highlighting an upcoming release from Librarium Games: Phoenix Farm! This fast-paced, competitive, small box card game is for 2-6 players. At the start of the game, players are given a tiny farmstead with basic tools and a sparkly set of ashes, with the goal of turning these materials to gold!

Each turn of Phoenix Farm is made up of two phases: the morning & evening. In the morning phase, you may roll dice depending on your tools or go to the market and sell phoenix feathers for gold, tools, and upgrades. In the evening, you may farm again or go foraging for fireflies – a valuable resource that provides bonuses when rolling dice. Play continues until all gold in the marketplace is depleted!

Our 2 player games of Phoenix Farm took ~25 minutes. It is easy to get to the table and the rulebook is compact but thorough & easy to learn. Each of the tool cards has text indicating what resources you may collect when rolling dice, which makes each turn flow smoothly. The little phoenix chicks are super cute and the orange and red hues of the cards are very on point with the magical creatures. It’s always fun to throw around some dice in any game, but beware if you’re not a huge fan of the randomness of rolls. The components are very nice (yay metal coins!) and with the added organization tray and playmats we felt as if we were getting a lot of content in a small game!

For all the good game info, head on over to the Librarium Games Instagram for more Phoenix Farm content!

*game provided by publisher for review, all opinions are our own.*