The Great Chase, Part #33: Around the World in 180 Days

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16th-29th of March, 2022
Oh what an exhausting time it has been.
By now (in case you have not been following along) it has been nearly eight months since our Kickstarter Campaign has concluded and still The Great Chase has not arrived in the hands of our funders… but that enormous delay has finally begun to change.

As of the first date in this journal entry, The Great Chase has officially entered the shipping phase of its journey. Here it will begin in Asia, traverse the entire Pacific Ocean and arrive in America over the course of this next two weeks. The grand adventure of our boat starts in China on its way through South Korea, then Tacoma Washington (where it will drop off our game), with a final destination of California. To help depict this adventure, Matt had the great idea to take photographs of our game map with a little compass showing where the ship is as it is tracked throughout its days of travel:

The Journey, Part #1: Position at 2022-03-17 (Yantian, China)
(00:32 local time) (under the eye of the compass rose)
The Journey, Part #2: Position at 2022-03-21 (Geoje, South Korea)
The Journey, Part #3: Position at 2022-03-25 (Aleutian Islands, Alaska)
The Journey, Part #4: Position at 2022-03-29 (Tacoma, Washington)

At long last, The Great Chase finally makes it to America and begins the next leg of the adventure by land. The goal now is to arrive at the distribution center, where it will be meeting up with other pieces from our Kickstart Production, such as the stretch-goal rewards and personal bonuses that were not manufactured over seas (like the metal tin and some other cards that we will discuss in upcoming entries of the Design Journal).

Once everything can get to a single place, distribution can finally officially begin! Unfortunately all of these needed parts did not get there at quite the same time… But, before we get too far ahead of ourselves on that story, let’s take a closer look at else needs to arrive at our distribution center, and where it is coming from, next time on The Design Journal!