~Alexander Massar~
- Lead Artist
- Graphic Designer
- Game Developer
- Website Developer
- Social Media Marketing
- Product Manufacturing
- Founder & CEO: Librarium Games LLC
- The Great Chase
- Calendra
- Phoenix Farm
- Librarium Spell Books
- (More Coming Soon)
Art, Music, and Interactive Design have always played an essential role in Alex’s life. Utilizing all of these skills in harmony has become a lifelong passion of his, which lead him toward creating Games.
As an Artist, Designer, and Web Developer, Alex spends his time bringing games to life, all the way from prototype to production.
Librarium Games is now the hub for Alex’s final game designs, the culmination of his dreams: to bring people together through shared interactive experiences.
- Author
- Assistant Game Designer
- KickStarter Coordinator
- The Great Chase
USA Today and Amazon #1 Besteller M.L. Buchman has 70+ action-adventure thriller and military romance novels, 100 short stories, and many audiobooks.
As a creator, M.L. Buchman has brought an innovative concept to the gaming table: to have the characters of his story worlds design a game that we could share the experience of playing in real life.
This concept is the origin story to our debut Librarium Game: The Great Chase. For the full story experience, check out: Miranda Chase!
~M.L. Buchman~
~Benjamin Seagrave~
- Concept Designer
- Prototype Developer
- Lead Play Tester
- The Great Chase
- Calendra
- Phoenix Farm
- (More Coming Soon)
Benjamin Seagrave first developed a love for game design while working as a play tester for Protean Games on the titles: “Attack the Darkness” and “Truths Too Terrible“.
Here at Librarium Games, Ben is a Concept Designer and a Prototype Developer. He is always helping to piece together the very earliest fragments in our original titles.
Ben is also a leader among prototype testers. Every game that we make will likely be played by Ben the most. His keen insights are very inspiring toward making our greatest content.
- Website Developer
- Editor
- Marketing
- Playtesting
- Librarium Games Website
- Phoenix Farm
- (More Coming Soon)
Social Media:
Aya fell into our world completely by accident! As a long term friend of the Librarium Family, Aya became a regular part of our journey right as we concluded publishing Calendra in the Fall of 2022.
With a lifelong passion for web development, journalism, design, and storytelling, Aya very quickly became a fantastic help to the quality and appearance of the website you now see today.
Her keen eye can spot a grammatical error anywhere, and her vision for graphical organization has had an everlasting impact. We look forward to a continued journey together in the making of Future Librarium Games content!
~Aya Lanzoni~
~Misty Jade Elliott~
Misty Jade Elliott is a visual artist trying to break into the world via the means of Mixed Media Productions and Paint. She specializes in watercolors and has a passion for illustrating pets, nature, and her own potent imagination.
With a wealth of unique works and a life long friendship to those of us here at the Librium, we are happy to announce that Misty’s Prints will be available on the Librarium Games online store. It is our hope here to eventually incorporate some of her styles and designs into our future works, so stay tuned for more and be sure to follow her social media journey to catch behind the scenes stories of her process!
:: PLay Testers ::
In bringing any game to life,
it is absolutely critical to playtest mechanics and designs.
Here at Librarium Games,
We hope to highlight everyone involved in our process
These are the people who help make the magic happen:
Abigail Martz
Adam Magdeleno
Aimee Hudon
Aya Lanzoni
Benjamin Seagrave
Caroline Teague
Danielle Perron
Ellen Canavan
Erica D’Amico
Ian Demming
James Denesha
Jessica Overholser
Josh Beach
Juliet St. Marie
Justin Hatstat
Katie Canavan
Kiley Murphy
Kristin Lewis
Kevin Michael Kohl
Misty Elliott
Nick Massar
Nicole Kaufman
Patrick Wall
Rory Hart
Sean Simmons
Skyler Elliott
Stephanie Jacher
Steve Kilduff
Suraj Gurung
Tom Canavan
Walter Bouchard
Zia Waldman
Kickstarter Supporters
Beyond the roll of any:
artist, designer, play tester, producer, manufacturer, or marketer…
the life of a game comes down to those who truly love & believe in it.
For us here at Librarium Games, we fully recognize that:
-our Funders are our Founders-
Without those who support us there would be no way for us to create the content that you have come to know and love.
Now that we have successfully begun crowdfunding games on Kickstarter, I personally want to recognize all those who have helped allow us to assemble the financial resources needed for our games to exist. These lists of supporters are broken down by each game that we have crowdfunded, in reverse chronological order, where the first game funded appears at the bottom.
Thank you so very much for:
:: Founding Sages of Calendra ::
Cyril Massar, Erica D’Amico, Lisa Kaufman, Rob Massar, Sean Simmons
:: Full Backer List of Calendra ::
Adam Garmon, Adam Magdaleno, Aidan, Aimee Hudon, Alack, Amanda Grasseschi, Amanda Sharpe, Andy Murray, Aya Lanzoni, Benjamin Seagrave, Neil Demers, Bob Simmons, Brendon Ford, Brent Fallon, Brittany Walsh, Carrie Geldart, Cheryl, Christine and Dan Maher, Coley Kaufman, Cyril Massar, Daisy Carter, Daniel Lyon, Danielle Ford, Ebest, Edward White, Elizabeth A Woodward, Elliot Davis, Erica D’Amico, Ethan Furman, Finley Wolff, Heather Monroe, Ip, Ting Pong, Jared Early, Jarrett Austin, Jason LeDuc, Jason Martin, Jeff Bliss, Jen, Jennifer Boulay, Jessica McKenzie, Jessica Overholser. Joey Lyons, Jon Kaufman, Josh Poirier, Kaelen Hollyer, Katie, Keith Bloom, Keith Diperri, Kyle A. Jensen, Kyle Gee, Lauren Fortinper, Laurie & Steve, LeoBunczak, Leonard Palmer, Lisa Kaufman, Liz Sachs, M. L. “Matt” Buchman, Mary Marcil, Matt Mcgill, MC, Melissa Jobe, Nick Szabo, Noah Eadie, Peggy Anderson, R. Hunter, Ragnar McFarland, Riley, RLKaufman, Rob Massar, Robert Tromp, Ruben L. Archilla, Ryan Carl Reeves, Sarah Houle, Sarah JL, Sarah Kate, Sean Quintanilla, Sean Simmons, Shari, Sierra E-S, Tacanavan, Terry Hughes, The High Frontier, Tracy Holmes, Twist the Leaf, Victor Wyatt, Walt Bouchard, Yunjae Shin, Zack Fissel, Zia Massar, Zoë Clark, ^oo^
~The Great Chase~
:: Above & Beyond Backers of The Great Chase ::
Carolina Teague, Cyril Massar, Dave Anderson, Jack Donovan, Jim Flint, Julia Kent,
Karen Theis, Laurie & Steve Ford, Lisa Kaufman, Megan Murtaugh, Peggy Anderson, Rob Massar & Susan Piazza
:: Full Backer List of The Great Chase ::
Adam Guest, Adam Magdaleno, Adele, Aimee Hudon, Albert Choy, ALHenkel, Allison Giordano, Alonza Mace, Alton C. Capps, Alyson Goodey, Amanda Nissen, Amy Gembala, Amy Rench, Anne Ryan, Annie Reed, Ash Dasuqi, ATH, Autumn Naysmith,Bailey Byrnes, Barbara Keiler, Barbara Murrin, Bettina Hall, Bill Brule, Birgit McCall, Blackbeltdude, bonnie holmes, Brad, Brandon Ong, Brendon Ford, Carlos Astacio, Carlos Valcarcel, Carol Peter, Caroline Teague, Carolyn Moser, Carolyn Rowland, Carrel Jakab, Catalyst, Games, Celine Malgen, Charlotte Elizabeth Deborah Taylor, Cheri Mullin, Cheryl Lee, Chris Enrico, Christopher Goetz, Claire Boston, CLAUDIO CERMINATI, Clint Harris, Constance Kiefer, Crystal Kenmuir, Cynthia LaFrance, Cyril Massar, D J May, D Noone, Dale Scott, Dan Winkler, Danielle Ford, Dave Anderson, David H. Hendrickson, David, Nebauer, David Renaud, David Tavakoli, Deb Miller, Debbie Grasham, Denise Gaskins, Diana, Diana Fazzari, Donna Ristau, Elizabeth, Elizabeth Bull, Elizabeth Novobilsky, Elizabeth Sanker, Elizabeth Scholtens, Ellen Gus, Emily, Emily Bouchard, eroth2, Felicia Fredlund, Feral Dream LLC, François J, Gabe, GavINfinity, GeoffM, Gerry Lantto, Graham, Ellis, Gretchen Root, HAIRIE Florian, Hazel Clark, Heather, Heather Silver, Holger Dreysel, Ian McFarlin, Inkprint Press, J Stuart Pratt, Jaci, Jack Donovan, Jacqueline Conrad, Jacqueline Wilson, James McInnes, James Waletzky, Jason T. Smith, Jeanne Hurley, Jedco, jellojt38, Jenna Godwin, Jennifer, Jennifer Anderson, Jennifer McParland, Jenny Schwartzberg, Jess, Jess Robinson, Jessica Overholser, Jessie Kathleen Thomson, Jim, Jim Flint, Jinger Ranallo, Joanna Loffler, Jody Herrewynen, Joe Saul-Sehy, joehyuk, Johanna Rothman, John Conklin, John Pearson, Jordan Garcia, Josh Beach, Jude M, Judy Lunsford, Julia Kent, Julianna Brandao, Justin Hatstat, Justin Reeves, Kalinda Little, Karen Theis, Kari Kilgore, Kate Pavelle, Katherine Fulkerson, Katherine Whan, Kathleen Sayce, Kathryn Aleong, Kathryn Kaleigh, KC Sitz, Kelle DeLuca, Kesha CarlsonKevin Shortt, Kim Bosco, Kristen Mott, Latisha Paw U, Laura Ware, Laurie & Steve, Leora Ulrich, Linda Cardillo, Lisa Kaufman, Lisa Mondello Naujoks, Lisa Owen, Liz, Luke Hankins, Maggie and Jim Lynch, Marcy French, Marian Goldeen, Maribeth Snapp, Marita Nickison, Mark Wolcott, Marlene Harris, Martha St. Jean, Mary, Mary Marcil, Matt Zupka, Megan Everett, Megan Murtaugh, Melanie, Melisa Todd, Melissa Lawrence, Michael, Michael J Ahlers, Michele Molano, Mike Smith, N. Karen Fonville, Namsuk Cho, Nancy Herkness, Nani Blyleven, Natalie Solomon, naydichev, Nickolas Massar, Nicole Witen, Nid Vicious, Noah Quiles, Olivia Shamleffer, Pam Stack, Pam Wedan, Paraseus, Patrick Wall, Paty Jager, Paul, Paul Farquhar-Smith, Peggy Anderson, Peggy Laurance, Psycho1011, Rachel, Rachel Lawlor, Randall Kwak, Rebecca BF, Ricardo, Rita Contois, Rob Massar, Rob Seib, Robin Vinik-Jones, Roderick, Roger Lampe, Ryan, Sam Meyer, Sarah Houle, Sarah Jane Swart, Sarah Kate, Sarah Stover, Sarah Tanis, Scott Nemec, Scott Volin, Sean Sicher, Sebastian Sandoval, Shadowcthuhlu, Shameek1, Stephanie Jacher, Stephen Falko, Steven Morgan, Stina, Sue Burgess, Susan Beyer, Susan Gowen, Susan Piazza, swillhite1, T2damian, Tacanavan, Ted, Teeuwen, Terrel Hoffman, Terry Hibben, Thang Le, The High Frontier, Tiffany, Tillium, Tony Simons, Trish Hull, trish5170, Vanessa Whittem, Vicki DeLand, Wee2Kings, Wendy, Wendy Howell, William D. Nickles III, Zach Sim