The Great Chase, Part #24: Box Design

❖ Version History ❖

21st of June, 2021
So far in the journey of creating The Great Chase, we have gathered almost every necessary component to make the magic happen: we have 100+ card designs, basic & custom pieces selected, a physical rule book, a video rule book to pair with the paper one, and the website to bring all of these concepts together… but there is one major piece still missing in the final rendition: The Box.

Matt had created the temporary box design that is pictured above. He created this as a template to show me what he wanted the final box to look like. This example was also handy while getting a prototype of the full kit ordered (rather than having a non-descriptive plain white box). This allowed us to see how everything was coming together thus far, and gave us a good platform for building off of when coming back to redesign the box.

Overall, I liked the concept that he had been working with up to this point in time, but I felt that it needed touching up in two particular ways: I wanted the color pallet to be warmer to match the rustic look we have designed into the rest of the artwork, and I wanted the top of the box to be as simple as possible. By simplification, I truly just wanted the name of our companies, the game, and maybe a tagline to bring it all together, but no other lengthy words or descriptors. The rest of the descriptors necessary for the box could be placed anywhere else on the box that we wanted. After a week or two of editing it, we finally landed on this design:

To really bring home the design for the box I also wanted to add personality to it, to make it more thematic in every way that I could think of. A key to this concept was changing little logos throughout the box design, such as the “player count”, “game time”, “Difficulty Listings” and “Age Restriction” logos. These little touches would bring the personality I wanted to represent in my design, and after putting in the extra effort to make this happen, I am very happy with the results:

The whole time this is is being designed in the background, I am also developing as many social media posts as I can. I know that I need at least 3-5 weeks worth of content, and I have my work cut out for me. By this point in time, I have the first 5-10 concocting in the background, as we will talk about in our next post, but there are less than three weeks left until crowdfunding launch!