The Great Chase, Part #25: Media Marketing

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29th of June, 2021
Today is the day. It has been nine months of designing The Great Chase, and today we launch it live onto the Kickstarter platform. Every single day of the last weeks I have been making as many graphics as I can conceive of. I need to make a post every single day to get the hype train moving, to get the word out about our launch day. I am trying as hard as I can to get an explosive start to the campaign, because everything that I have read along the way has stated the importance of having a strong launch in Kickstarter, which helps boost the automated advertising and viral spread of the data.

To this end, huge prototype images (like the one featured above), and I have been making countdown clocks, like the one pictured here:

With these posts, I have been putting in small increments of paid promotions in order to test the waters and learn what this process is like, as, I have never done it before. The countdown clock pictured above is one of the firs posts I promote, and it has an astounding impact… rather than the 10-75 views I typically get on a post, this first promotion brings in an overwhelming 575 views within a couple of days. The full prototype images shown at the top of this post also brings in about 100 views and several comments, forming a great discussion about the launch day in the hours before it goes live.

In our preparation for this day, Matt and I also film each other to talk about the launch, and all the cool goodies that might be unlocked throughout the extended funding of the campaign, should everything go well beyond the initial funding needs. I post and promote this video on launch day to see what happens, and get another 150+ views on it, bringing in lots of commentary and new faces to my social Instagram discussion:

This first day brings in about as strong a success as I can hope for. We don’t break through our funding goal day one, but we do crash straight through the first $4,000 dollars of initial funding thanks to the combined efforts of me and Matt in the marketing sector. This allows me the opportunity to post some other very fun videos that track our progress as we collect the funds!

All going well, it is now time to start breaking out the other marketing secret weapon that we have been working on in the background: Prototype reviews.