The Great Chase, Part #26: Game Reviews

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30th of June, 2021
With a great start to crowdfunding The Great Chase yesterday, today at 10a.m. we finally cross the $5,000 initial funding threshold that we needed in order to pass the Kickstarter test! It takes place exactly 25 hours after we launched, which is an astounding success compared to my pessimistic concerns and expectations! I am overtly excited, and it is a great relief to make this major milestone:

as of this moment, my first game is officially going to be “Published” and Librarium Games is now online as a true game design company! It is hard to believe it is even real.

These points aside, it is time to talk about the other magnificent project that has been going on in the background over the course of the last two months: Game Reviews.

Under the hope that The Great Chase would get fully funded, I wanted there to be many types of bulletins and advertisements that we could air once we were certain that the game would be getting produced. The most important of these, of course, being the proof that other gamers have had the chance to play this game and showcase their two cents on what the game is like.

Through lots of careful planning, I had assembled a group of six different Instagrammers who were willing to do these reviews. The deal was that I would send them the game, they play and take notes for their review, they take many photos, and send the game back to me so that I could forward it to the next reviewer. The hardest piece of this plan is that I only had two copies of the game that I could ship to these reviewers, so each copy of the game went to three different people before returning to me.

Once these reviewers had their content prepared, I simply had them wait until our Kickstarter Launch day before posting their content. This way, on launch day and each subsequent day of the campaign I would have fresh content to share from all over the internet and United States alike. The outreach this created became one of the most successful aspects of the fundraising awareness, and it was incredible fun seeing all of the wonderfully dynamic shots that others had made of my game:

With the kindred words of total strangers, the funding from the internet, and everything coming together as planned, my heart is overwhelmed by the joy. It really and truly feels like we have done it, the impossible feeling of creating a game from scratch only months ago is forming into something real. I can hardly help not looking at my phone… every few minutes something amazing and new is happening in the background! There’s joyful comments, more funding all the time, and overall I am helpless watching it all unfold!

But I try to concentrate. I know that we still have two weeks to go before this campaign is over, and that is no excuse for taking a break. I am almost out of artillery for advertising / marketing strategies, and I still have so many days left where I should be posting every chance I get. Finding myself in an interesting pickle, I come back to the drawing board. It is still my day off, and I think that I need to make some more important moves toward what I should create next.